Monday, November 9, 2009

More Critters

If I played my cards right I could probably have an entire gallery showing of these. :o)

(note: the dog isn't mine)


  1. Picture 1: Holy crap, Luna is large. I think I understand why you call her "the fat one" now.

    Picture 2: The combination of your smirk and Birdie's pissed look is awesome.

    Picture 3: This dog looks terrified. If he could talk, he would be saying, "Somebody help me. I don't even know this woman. She dog-napped me from my home for some random photo shoot!"

    Picture 4: I just love your smile in this one. Exuberant :)

  2. 1 - Yes, Luna is very large. She's a girthy girl.

    2 - I will forever love Birdie for her foul temper. It's one of the few constants in my life. Like Luna's girth.

    3 - Milo is terrified. He's a pussy.

    4 - New kitty! Always a reason for exuberance. :o)

  3. I was going to say. When did your menagerie include canines? There are only so many animals you can keep in an apartment before they find out...

  4. I've seen Ace Ventura. I know how to beat the system.

  5. What? No pictures of you with miniature cows?
